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Bruno Cordeiro

please teach me how to cross this bridge

2021. ~30-minute performance on Millenium Bridge, London. 

London was quite empty once they announced our second lockdown. I thought it'd be interesting to go to one of the most touristy bridges in the city and do some photography there. The Millenium Bridge goes over the river connecting St. Paul's Cathedral to the Tate Modern. Religion and art are no longer divided by a river in the heart of London.

Most people, bloggers, instagrammers or influencers would kill to have this famous spot in the golden hour just for themselves. Instead of rehearsing and taking my best selfies there, I used to bridge for spontaneity and surprise. I wanted to feel the place where thousands of people cross by every day. 

So blindfolded and barefoot with a timer that sets off every three minutes in my pocket I spun in circles and started to walk, I could have gone either towards the cathedral or the museum. Using this polaroid camera I was shooting moments of a city in lockdown. The result is the genuine sense of fear, uncertainty and vulnerability created by covid in our lives. 

Watch the full performance. 

the polaroid pictures:

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